Wapping dispute

Content about the lengthy and militant dispute between printworkers and Rupert Murdoch's News International in 1986-1987, centred around the News International plant in Wapping, East London.

(Rupert) Murdoch - you are scum
Including: Silent Night strike, South Africa, Militant and Liverpool, what's wrong with Anti-Fascist Action?, What do we do when the cops fuck…
Issue #37 of Direct Action, with articles on the need for cross-sectional solidarity to win strikes, the lessons of Wapping, disputes at Ardbride…
Issue #30 of Direct Action, with articles on nuclear waste, the Protestant general strike in Northern Ireland, the Silentnight dispute, union…
Issue #29 of Direct Action, with articles on the Wapping, French Connection and Silentnight disputes, health and safety at work, privatisation at…
Issue #28 of Direct Action, with articles on the start of the Wapping dispute and the need for real solidarity across the union movement, the…
Issue #3 of Liberation, with articles on class war, a scab running someone over at Wapping, trials after the Broadwater Farm riots, a restaurant…
Issue #2 of Liberation, with articles on Wapping, Prince Andrew's wedding, police infiltration, Spain 1936, military intervention in Libya,…
Issue #1 of Liberation, with articles on apartheid, the nuclear industry, the police, authoritarian vs libertarian communism, the Wapping dispute…